John Mason Publications
see also ResearchGate:
For anyone interested in the Discipline of Noticing, the paper by Sinead Breen and colleagues is well worth a look.
Kilhamn, C. Bråting, K. Helenius, O. & Mason, J. (2022). Exploring didactic potential in combining programming with mathematics - the case of variables. ZDM online June 6 2022
Mason, J. (in press). Specifying, Defining, Generalising & Abstracting Mathematically all seen as Subtly Different Shifts of Attention. In (B. Czarnocha Ed.) Philosophy of Mathematics Education: work in progress.
Mason, J. (in press) Probing Beneath the Surface of Resisting and Accepting Challenges in the Mathematics Classroom. In R. Leikin (Ed.) Mathematcal Challenges for All.
Mason, J. (in press). Learning about Noticing, by, and through, Noticing. ZDM. 53 (1) p??
Mason, J. (2021). Gazing Mathematically: seeing-as and seeing-in. Philosophy of Mathematics Education Journal 38 (Dec).
Zazkis, R. Kontorovich, I. & Mason, J. (2021). The Learning and Teaching of Number: paths less travelled through well-trodden terrain. London: Routledge
Mason, J. (2021). Learning Mathematics as Occasioned by Disturbance: review of Mathematical Encounters & Pedagogical Detours. Mathematical Thinking &
Mason, J. (2021). Visualising Infinite Sums as a Study in Shifts of Attention. The Mathematician Educator 2 (1) p11-32
Mason, J. (2021). How the Theme of ‘Doing and Undoing’ Applied to the Action of Exchange Reveals Overlooked Core Ideas in School Mathematics. Mathematics 9(13), 1530. doi:10.3390/math9131530
Mason, J. (2021). Tensions. Reprinted in Mathematics Teaching. 276 p41-44.
Kontorovich, I. Zazkis, R. & Mason, J. (2021). From One Kind of Numbers to Another: the metaphors of expansion and contraction. flm. 41 (1) p47-49.
McLaughlin, F. & Mason, J. (2021). Working a Way Around Perimeters with Habits of Mind: Part 1. Mathematics Teaching. 275 p16-20.
Mason, J. (2021 2nd edition). Effective Questioning and Responding in the Mathematics Classroom. In G. Ineson & H. Povey (Eds.) Debates in Mathematics Education p131-142.
Biza, I. Hewitt, D. Watson, A. and Mason, J. (2020). Generalization Strategies in Finding the n th Term Rule for Simple Quadratic Sequences. International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education. 18(6) p1105–1126. Available at
Mason, J. & Czarnocha,B. (2020). Aha! Moments, Bisociation and Multifocal Attention. In B. Czarnocha & W. Baker. Creativity of an Aha! Moment and Mathematics Education. Leiden: Brill. p???
Mason, J. (2020). Generating Worthwhile Mathematical Tasks in Order to Sustain and Develop Mathematical Thinking. Sustainability 2, 5727; doi:10.3390/su12145727
Mason, J. & Zazkis, R. Fooled by Rounding. Digit Exp Math Educ (2019).
Mason, J. (2019). Relationships Between Proofs and Examples: comments arising from the papers in this issue. Journal of Mathematical Behavior. 53 p339-347.
Mason, J. (2019). Pre-parative and Post-parative Play as Key Components of
Mathematical Problem Solving. In P. Felmer, P. Liljedahl & B. Koichu (Eds.) Proiblem Solving in Mathematics Instruction and Teacher professional Development. Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag.
Mason, J. (2019). Evolution of a Task Domain. Digital Experiences in Mathematics Education. p1-21.
Venkat, H. Askew, M. Watson, A. & Mason, J. (2019). Architecture of Mathematical Structure. For the Learning of Mathematics. 19(1) p13-17.
Mason, J. (2018). Commentary – Doing is not the same as thinking or construing. In A. Kajander & E. Chernoff (Eds.). Teaching and Learning Secondary School Mathematics: Canadian perspectives in an international context. Springer DOI 978-3-319-92390-1_39
Mason, J. Watson, A. Venkat, H. & Askew, M. (2018). Multiple Formats for Multiplication.Mathematics Teaching262 p21-22.
Mason, J. (2018) Making Distinctions: a phenomenological Exploration in Mathematics Education. In P. Ernest (Ed.). The Philosophy of Mathematics Education Today. ICME-13 Monographs. Springer.
Mason, J. (2018). Educating Awareness Through Mediated Action.In D. Hewitt, A. Coles & J. Ingram (Eds.). On Teaching and Learning Mathematics with Awareness. p71-76. Derby: ATM.
Mason, J. (2018). Tensions between Teacher and Student Attention. Wikiletter.
Mason, J. (2018). Reflecting on values emerging from practice and the value of reflecting on practice. In D. Rowe & A. Watson (Eds.). Faith and Experience in Education: essays from Quaker perspectives. p63-91. London: Trentham Books.
Mason, J. (2018). Combining Geometrical Transformations: a meta-mathematical narrative. In R. Zazkis & P. Herbst (Eds) Scripting approaches in mathematics education: Mathematical dialogues in research and practice. p21-52. Switzerland: Springer International.
Watson, A. & Mason, J. (2018). A tale of two digital games: How discussion can augment personal narratives.
In R. Zazkis & P. Herbst (Eds) Scripting approaches in mathematics education: Mathematical dialogues in research and practice. p73-88. Springer Publishers.
Mason, J. (2018). Making Distinctions: a phenomenological exploration in mathematics education. In P. Ernest, (Ed). Philosophy of Mathematics Education Today. Springer.
Mason, J. (2018). How Early is Too Early for Thinking Algebraically?. In C. Kieran (ed.) Teaching and Learning Algebraic Thinking with 5- to 12-Year Olds: the global evolution of an emerging field of research and practice. ICME13 Springer.
Mason, J. (2018). Scoping Generality: an essential component of mathematical thinking by and for all. In M. Stein. (Ed.) A Life’s Time for Mathematics Education and Problem Solving: festschrift on the occasion of Andras Ambrus’ 75th birthday. Münster: WTM.
2017 Mason, J. (2017). Structuring Structural Awareness: a commentary on chapter 13. In M. Bussi & X. Sun. Building the Foundation: whole numbers in the primary grades (ICME Study 23). New York: Springer.
2017 Mason, J. & Metz, M. (in press). Digging Beneath Dual Systems Theory and the Bicameral Brain: abductions about the human psyche from experience in mathematical problem solving. In U. Eligio (Ed.). Understanding Emotions in Mathematical Thinking and Learning. Cambridge: Elsevier/Academic Press.
2017 Mason, J. (2017). Introduction to Part II: Variation as a Pedagogical Perspective for Classroom Instruction in China. In R. Huang & Y. Lee. Teaching and Learning Mathematics through Variation: Confucian heritage meets western theories. Rotterdam: Sense. p107-p109.
2017 Mason, J. (2017). Issues in Variation Theory and How It Could Inform Pedagogical Choices. In R. Huang & Y. Lee. (Eds.). Teaching and Learning Mathematics through Variation: Confucian heritage meets western theories. Rotterdam: Sense p407-p438.
2016 Mason, J. (2016). Rising Above a Cause-and-Effect Stance in Mathematics Education Research. JMTE 19(4) p297-300.
2016 Mason, J. (2016). When is a Problem? “When” is Actually the Problem! In P. Felmer, E. Pehkonen & J. Kilpatrick (Eds.). Posing and Solving Mathematical problems: advances and new perspectives. Switzerland: Springer. p263-285.
2016 Mason, J. (2016). Reaction: Problem Posing and Solving Today. In P. Felmer, E. Pehkonen & K. Kilpatrick (Eds.). Posing and Solving Mathematical problems: advances and new perspectives. Switzerland: Springer. p109-113.
2016 Mason, J. (2016). Perception, interpretation and decision making: understanding gaps between competence and performance—a commentary. In S. Blömeke & J. Star (Eds.) Perception, Interpretation and Decision Making: understanding the missing link between competence and performance. ZDM, 48 (1-2) p219-226.
2016 Mason, J. (2016). Pedagogical Mathematics for Student Exploration of Threshold Concepts. In R. Göller, R. Biehler, R. Hochmuth, H-G. Rück (Eds). Didactics of Mathematics in Higher Education as a Scientific Discipline. KHDM-Report 05-2016. p224-231.
2016 Mason, J. (2016). Overcoming the Algebra Barrier: being particular about the general, and generally looking beyond the particular, in homage to Mary Boole. In S. Stewart (Ed.) And the Rest is Just Algebra. Springer p97-117.
2016 Mason, J. (2016). Probing Beneath the Surface of Experience. In J. Wilhelm (Ed.) Teacher Noticing.
2016 Mason, J. & Hanna, G. (2016). Values in Caring for Proof. In B. Larvor (Ed.) Mathematical Cultures: the London meetings 2012-2014. Trends in the History of Science. Switzerland: Birkhauser (Springer International) p239-258.
2015 Mason, J. (submitted). Rising Above a Cause-and-Effect Stance in Mathematics Education Research. JMTE
2015 Mason, J. (submitted). Mathematics Education: down to earth, pie in the sky or suspended animation? JMTE
2015 Mason, J. (2015). Bringing Reflection to the Fore Using Narrative Construction. Open Paper Comment on Eirini Geraniou & Manolis Mavrikis “Building Bridges To Algebra Through A Constructionist Learning Environment” in C. Kynagos & G. Futschek (Eds.) Consructivist Foundations 10 (3) p334-335.
2015 Mason, J. (2015). Being Mathematical With and In-Front-Of Learners. Mathematics Teaching. ???
2015 Mason, J. (2015). On Being Stuck On A Mathematical Problem: what does it mean to have something come-to-mind? LUMAT: 3(1) p101-121.
2015 Mason, J. (2015). “When is a Problem?” ‘when’ is actually the problem!. Proceedings of conference on problem Solving, Santiago Chile Dec. 2013; submitted as chapter for proceedings
2015 Mason, J. (2015). Developing & Using an Applet to Enrich Students’ Concept Image of Rational Polynomials. Teaching Mathematics and its Applications. doi: 10.1093/teamat/hrv004
2015 Skilling, K. & Mason, J. (2015). Spaces of Values: what is available to be adopted by students. In O. Helenius (Ed.). Proceedings of MADIF 9. p137-147.
2015 Mason, J. (2015). When is a Problem? Contribution in Honour of Jeremy Kilpatrick. In E. Silver & C. Keitel-Kreidt, (Eds.) Pursuing Excellence in Mathematics Education: essays in honor of Jeremy Kilpatrick. Mathematics Education Library. London: Springer.
2014 Hanna, G. & Mason, J. (2014). Key Ideas and Memorability in Proof. for the learning of mathematics. 34 (2) p12-16.
2014 Mason, J. (2014). Uniqueness of Patterns Generated by Repetition. Mathematical Gazette. 98 (541) p1-7.
2013 Mason, J. (2013). Interactions Between Teacher, Student, Software and Mathematics: getting a purchase on learning with technology. In A. Clark-Wilson, O. Robutti & N. Sinclair (Eds.). The Mathematics Teacher in the Digital Era: an international perspective on technology-focused professional development. Mathematics in the Digital Era Vol. 2. p11-43. Dordrecht: Springer.
2013 Mason, J. & Davis, B. (2013). The Importance of Teachers’ Mathematical Awareness for In-The-Moment Pedagogy. CJSMTE 13(2) p182-197.
2013 Sandefur, J. Mason, J. Stylianides, G. & Watson, A. (2013). Generating and Using Examples in The Proving Process. Educational Studies in Mathematics 83 (3) p323-340.
2013 Mason, J. (2013). Working with the Whole Psyche: nurturing reflective learners. In B. Kaur (Ed.) Nurturing Reflective Learners in Mathematics. Yearbook 2013 Association of Mathematics educators. Singapore: World Scientific & AME.
2013 Monaghan, J. & Mason, J. (2013). Exploring the notion ‘cultural affordance’ with regard to mathematics software. In C. Smith(Ed) Proceedings of the British Society for Research into Learning Mathematics. 32(3) p132-138. ISSN 1463-6840
2013 Mason, J. (2013). Exchange as a (the?) core idea in school mathematics. In C. Smith(Ed) Proceedings of the British Society for Research into Learning Mathematics. 32(3) p126-131. ISSN 1463-6840
2013 Mason, J. (2013). Phenomenal Mathematics as a Source of Pedagogic Strategies for Learning from E-Screens. In M. Inprasitha (Ed.) Proceedings of the 6th East Asia Regional Conference on Mathematics Education (EARCOME6) Phuket, Thailand. p2-12.
2013 Sandefur, J. & Mason, J. (2013). Circular Inclusion. College Math Journal. 44(3) p193-201.
2013 Back, J. Foster, C. Tomalin, J. Mason, J. Swan, M. & Watson, A. (2013) Tasks and their Place in Mathematics Teaching and Learning - part 2. Mathematics Teaching 232 p6-8.
Mason, J. (2012). Review of: Y. Handa (2012). What does understanding mathematics mean for teachers: relationship as a metaphor for knowing. Routledge. RME 14(3) p305-308.
Mason, J. Oliveira, H. & Boavida, A. M. (2012). Reasoning Reasonably in Mathematics. Quadrante, XXI (2) p165-195.
Mason, J. (2012). What is Arithmetic? In M. van Zanten (Ed.) Opbrengstgericht Onderwijs – Rekenen! – Wiskiunde?. Proceedings of the 30th PANAMA Conference. Utrecht: Fisme, Universiteit Utrecht. P11-24
Mason, J. (2012). Undersøgelser som en made at studere matematik på. Matematik i skolen. 14 (4) p60-66.
Ryve, A. Nilsson, P. & Mason, J. (2012). Establishing Mathematics for Teaching Within Classroom Interactions in Teacher Education. Educational Studies in Mathematics. 81 (1) p1-14.
Mason, J. (2012). You Can Lead a Horse to Water…: Issues in Deepening Learning Through Deepening Teaching. In S. Hegedus & J. Roschelle (Eds.) Democratizing Access to Important Mathematics through Dynamic Representations: Contributions and Visions from the SimCalc Research Program. Berlin: Springer-Verlag. ISBN 978-94-007-5695-3
Mason, J. (2012). Having Good Ideas Come-to-Mind: contemporary Pólya-based advice for students of mathematics. In M. Badger, C. Sangwin & T. Hawkes (Eds.) with R. Burn, J. Mason & S. Pope (contributors). Teaching Problem-Solving in Undergraduate Mathematics. p17-31. Loughborough: National HE STEM Centre.
Jones, C. & Mason, J. (2012). Experiential Learning. Mathematics Teaching 229 p17-20.
Mason, J. (2012). 3-D Proofs of 2-D Theorems. Mathematics Teaching 229 p38-41.
Mason, J. (2012). On Knowing in Mathematics. CULMS 5 p29-39.
Scataglini-Belghitar, G. & Mason, J. (2012). Establishing Appropriate Conditions: students learning to apply a theorem. IJSME 10(4) p927-953. DOI: 10.1007/s10763-011-9305-0. (
Back, J. Foster, C. Tomalin, J. Mason, J. Swan, M. & Watson, A. (2012) Tasks and their Place in Mathematics Teaching and Learning - part 1. Mathematics Teaching 231 p33-37.
Mason, J. (2012). Noticing: roots and branches. In M. Sherin, V. Jacobs, & R. Phillip (Eds.) Mathematics Teacher Noticing: Seeing Through Teachers’ Eyes. p35-50. Mahwah: Erlbaum.
Mason, J. (2011). Discerning in and between Theories In Mathematics Education. In M. Pytlak, M., T. Rowland & E. Swoboda (Eds.) Proceedings of the Seventh Congress of the European Society for Research in Mathematics Education p2482-2492. Rzeszñw: University of Rzeszñw.
Mason, J. (2011). Attending to Oneself so as to Sensitise Oneself to Learners. The Mathematics Educator. 13 (1) p3-14.
Mason, J, (2011). Explicit and Implicit Pedagogy: variation as a case study. In JC Smith (Ed.) Proceedings of BSRLM 31(2).
Mason, J. (2011). Learning From Acting On Objects. In A. Oldknow & C. Knights (Eds.). Mathematics Education with Digital Technology. Education & Digital Technology. p84-100. London: Continuum.
Mason, J. (2011). Search for Structure: Actions and Objects. NRich.
Mason, J. (2011). Trabahano com Padrões. In P. Palhares, A. Gomez & A. Amaral (Eds.). Complementos de Matemática para professors do Ensino Básico. p215-234.
Mason, J. (2011). Mean-Invariant Polynomial Intersections: a case study in generalization. Technology, Knowledge and Learning Journal 16 (2) p183-192. DOI: 10.1007/s10758-011-9185-y
Mason, J. (2011). Classifying & Characterising: provoking awareness of the use of a natural power in mathematics and mathematics pedagogy. In O. Zazlavsky & P. Sullivan (Eds.) Constructing Knowledge for Teaching Secondary Mathematics. p39-56. Springer: London.
Scataglini-Belghitar, G. & Mason, J. (2011) Teaching Takes Place In Time, while Learning Takes Place Over time: maturation of mathematicians seen as phase transitions in Te Ara Mokoroa (the long abiding path of knowledge). In J. Hannah (Ed.) Delta Communications.
Mason, J. (2011). A Generalization of the Parabolic Chord Property. The College Mathematics Journal 42 (4) p326-328.
Sinclair, N. Watson, A. Zazkis, R. & Mason, J. (2011). The Structuring of Personal Example Spaces. Journal of Mathematical Behavior 30 (4) p291-303.
Mason, J. (2011). Att ta vara på barns förmågor (Making use of children’s powers to think mathematically). In B. Bergius, G. Emanuelsson, L. Emmanuelsson & R. Ryding (Eds.) Nämnaren TEMA 8. Trondheim: Nationellt Centrum för Matematikutbildning p13-20.
Mason, J. (2011). Envisioning What Is Possible in the Teaching and Learning of Algebra. In Jinfa Cai & Eric Knuth (Eds). Early Algebraization: a global dialogue from multiple perspectives. Advances in Mathematics Education, Springer p557-578.
Mason, J. (2011). Mathematics Education: theory, practice & memories over 50 years. For the Learning of Mathematics 30 (3) p3-9.
Mason, J. (2011). Phenomenology of Example Construction. ZDM 43 (2) p195-204. DOI 10.1007/s11858-010-0297-y
2010 Mason, J. (2010). Expressions of Desire: (re)flections on (re)presentation. Mediterranean Journal for Research in Mathematics Education. 9 (1) p55-72.
2010 De Geest , E. Mason, J. and Allen, B. (2010). Using experiential pedagogy in practice-based learning at a distance. Proceedings of EDULEARN10: International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies. Barcelona.
2010 Mason, J. (2010). Bringing Definitions into Definition. Mathematics Teaching 118 p10-12.
2010 Mason, J., Burton, L. & Stacey, K. (2010). Thinking Mathematically (Second Extended Edition). Harlow: Prentice Hall (Pearson).
2010 Mason, J. (2010). Progression in Mathematical Thinking. Scottish Mathematical Council Journal 40. p18-21.
2010 Mason, J. (2010). Crossed Ladders, Couriers, and Cistern Filling. Scottish Mathematical Council Journal 40. p29-30.
2010 Mason, J. & DeGeest, E. (2010). How an Experientially Presented Labelled-Framework Approach to Professional Development at a Distance Can Influence Teachers’ Practice. In M. Pinto & T. Kawasaki (Eds.) Proceedings of the 34th International Conference on the Psychology of Mathematics Education. Belo Horizonte: PME Vol 3 p273-280.
2010 Mason, J. (2010). de definitions en Définition. Losanges 9 p2-5.
2010 Mason, J. (2010). Attention and Intention in Learning About Teaching Through Teaching. In R. Leikin & R. Zazkis (Eds.) Learning Through Teaching Mathematics: development of teachers' knowledge and expertise in practice. p23-47. New York: Springer.
2010 Mason, J. (2010). Mathematics Education: theories, practice, and memories over fifty years. In B. Davis & S. Lerman (Eds.) Mathematical Action & Structures of Noticing: studies on John Mason’s contribution to mathematics education. Rotterdam: Sense.
2009 Molina, M. & Mason, J. (2009). Justifications-on-Demand as a Device to Promote Shifts of Attention Associated With Relational Thinking in Elementary Arithmetic. Canadian Journal for Science Mathematics and Technology Education. 9 (4) p224-242.
2009 Mason, J. Stephens, M. & Watson, A. (2009). Appreciating Mathematical Structure for All. Mathematics Education Research Journal 21 (2) p10-32.
2009 Mason, J. & Klymchuk, S. (2009). Counter Examples in Calculus. London: Imperial College Press.
2009 Mason, J. & Houssart, J. (Eds.) (2009). Listening Figures. Stoke on Trent: Trentham.
2009 Mason, J. Watson, A. (2009). The Menousa. For The Learning of Mathematics 29 (2) p33-38.
2009 contributor to Burn, B. (2009). Coming to Know: the introduction of new concepts in undergraduate mathematics. Birmingham: MSOR, University of Birmingham.
2009 Mason, J. (2009). Teaching as Disciplined Enquiry. Teachers and Teaching: theory and practice 15 (2-3) p205–223.
2009 Houssart, J. & Mason, J. (Eds.) (2009). Listening Counts. Stoke on Trent: Trentham.
2009 Mason, J. (2009). A Study of the Movement of Attention: The Case of a Reconstructed Calculation. In C. Bergson (Ed). Proceedings of MADIF 6.
2009 Mason, J. (2009). From Assenting to Asserting. In O. Skvovemose, P. Valero & O. Christensen (Eds.). University Science and Mathematics Education in Transition. p17-40. Springer, Berlin.
2008 Pratt, D. Johnston-Wilder, P. Ainley, J. and Mason, J. (2008). Local and Global Thinking in Statistical Inference. Statistics Education Research Journal, 7 (2). pp. 107-129.
2008 Mason, J. (2008). Joined-Up Reflections (part 2). Mathematics Teaching 211 p40-42.
2008 Mason, J. (2008). Joined-Up Reflections (part 1). Mathematics Teaching 210 p42-44.
2008 Goldenberg, P. & Mason, J. (2008). Shedding Light on and with Example Spaces. Educational Studies in Mathematics. 69 (2) p183-194. 10.1007/s10649-008-9143-3
2008 Mason, J. (2008). Notes from a Session entitled: learning a mathematical topic: what does it mean and how can it be facilitated. MSOR 8 (3) p15-20
2008 Mason, J. (2008). Thinking Algebraically and Geometrically. The Scottish Mathematical Council Journal 37 p43-45.
2008 Mason, J. (2008). Phenomenal Mathematics. Plenary presentation. Proceedings of the 11th RUME Conference. San Diego.
2008 Mason, J. (2008). PCK and Beyond. In P. Sullivan, & T. Wood, (Eds.) In International handbook of mathematics teacher education: Vol.1. Knowledge and beliefs in mathematics teaching and teaching development (p301-322). Rotterdam, the Netherlands: Sense Publishers.
2008 Mason, J. (2008). Being Mathematical With & In Front of Learners: Attention, Awareness, and Attitude as Sources of Differences between Teacher Educators, Teachers & Learners. In T. Wood (Series Ed.) & B. Jaworski (Vol. Ed.), International Handbook of Mathematics Teacher Education: Vol.4. The Mathematics Teacher Educator as a Developing Professional. Rotterdam, the Netherlands: Sense Publishers, p31-56.
2008 Molina, M., Castro, E., & Mason, J. (2008). Elementary school students´ approaches to solving true/false number sentences. Revista de Investigación en Didáctica de la Matemática PNA 2(2), 75-86.
2008 Mason, J. (2008) Flanking Triangles. Mathematics In Schools. 37 (1) p28-29.
2008 Mason, J. & Watson, A. (2008). Mathematics as a Constructive Activity: exploiting dimensions of possible variation. In M. Carlson & C. Rasmussen (Eds.) Making the Connection: Research and Practice in Undergraduate Mathematics. MAA Notes (73). Washington: MAA. p189-202.
2008 Mason, J. (2008). From Concept Images to Pedagogic Structure for a Mathematical Topic. In C. Rasmussen & M. Carlson (Eds.) Making the connection: research into practice in undergraduate mathematics education. MAA Notes. Washington: Mathematical Association of America. p253-272.
2008 Mason, J. (2008). Making Use of Children’s Powers to Produce Algebraic Thinking. In J. Kaput, D. Carraher & M. Blanton (Eds.) Algebra in the Early Grades. Lawrence Erlbaum. New York. p57-94.
2008 Mason, J. (2008). Distinctive Ontogeny: ontological musings inspired by two discerning gentlemen of distinction(s), David Tall & Eddie Gray. Mediterranean Journal of Mathematics Education Vol 7 (2) p23-40.
2007 Mason, J. (2007). Mathematics is Essential in Maths Education, But What Mathematics is Then Essential? In K. Milton, H. Reeves & T. Spencer (Eds.) Mathematics: essential for learning, essential for life. p23-32. Plenary address to AAMT 21. Adelaide: AAMT.
2007 Mason, J. (2007). Cuadículas de Variatión Estructurada para Explotación y Desarrollo de las Capacidades Matemáticas de los Jóvenes Aprendices. Educación Matemática. 19 (01) p127-150.
2007 Mason, J. (2007). Research & Practice in Algebra: interwoven influences. In D. Pitta-Panzi & G. Philippou (Eds.) Proceedings of CERME 5, Larnaca, Cyprus. Cyprus: Dept. of Education, University of Cyprus. p913-923. Available as a CD, University of Cyprus, Dept of Education.
2007 Watson, A. & Mason, J. (2007). Taken-as-Shared: a review of common assumptions about mathematical tasks in teacher education. Journal of Mathematics Teacher Education 10 (4-6) p205-215.
2007 Mason, J. (2007). Images: static, dynamic and mental, Mathematics Teaching incorporating MicroMath 205 p44-45.
2007 Mason, J. Drury, H. & Bills, E. (2007). Explorations in the Zone of Proximal Awareness. In J. Watson & K. Beswick (Eds.) Mathematics: Essential Research, Essential Practice: Proceedings of the 30th annual conference of the Mathematics Education Research Group of Australasia. Adelaide: MERGA Vol 1 p42-58.
2007 Mason, J. (2007). Bartering Problems in Arithmetic Books 1450–1890. British Society for the History of Mathematics Bulletin, 22 p1-24.
2007 Watson, A. & Mason, J. (2007). Surprise and Inspiration. Mathematics Teaching. 200 p4-5.
2007 Mason, J. (2007). Hyper-learning from hyper-teaching: what might the future hold for learning mathematics from & with electronic screens? Interactive Educational Multimedia 14 p19-39. (refereed e-journal) 14 (April) (accessed May 7 07).
2007 Watson, A. & Mason, J. (2007). Variation and Mathematical Structure. Mathematics Teaching 194 p3-5.
2006 Mason, J. Burton, L. & Stacey, K. (2006). M. Riederle (Trans.) Mathematisch denken: mathematik ist keine Hererei. Munchen: Oldenbourg.
2006 Mason, J. (2006). Micro-Structure of Attention in the Teaching and Learning of Mathematics. Proceedings of the Mathematics Teaching 2005 Conference, Edinburgh: Edinburgh Centre for Mathematical Education. p36-41.
2006 Mason, J. (2006). Micro-Structure of Attention in the Teaching and Learning of Mathematics. Canterbury Mathematical Association Newsletter. June. p2-6.
2006 Mason, J. & Johnston-Wilder, S. (2006 2nd edition). Designing and Using Mathematical Tasks. St. Albans: Tarquin.
2006 Mason, J. (2006). What makes an example exemplary?: pedagogical & research issues in transitions from numbers to number theory. In R. Zazkis & S. Campbell (Eds.) Number Theory in Mathematics Education: Perspectives and Prospects. Mahwah: Erlbaum p41-68.
2006 Watson, A. & Mason, J. (2006) Seeing an Exercise as a Single Mathematical Object: Using Variation to Structure Sense-Making. Mathematical Thinking and Learning. 8(2) p91-111.
2006 Mason, J. (2006). Towards A CPD Framework For The NCETM. In D. Hewitt (Ed.) Proceedings of the British Society for Research into Learning Mathematics 26(3) p41-46.
2005 Mason, J. (2005). Frameworks for Learning, Teaching and Research: theory and practice. In Frameworks that Support Research and Learning: proceedings of PME-NA. Roanoke: Virginia Tech. p9-29.
2005 Mason, J. (2005). Exploiting Mathematical Opportunities Afforded by Mathematical Tasks: a case study of shifting from arithmetical to algebraic thinking. In C. Bergsten & B. Grevholm (Eds.). Conceptions of mathematics: proceedings of NORMA 01, Third Nordic Conference on Mathematics Education. Linköping: SMDF. p20-32.
2005 Mason, J. (2005), Mediating Mathematical Thinking With E-Screens. in S. Johnston-Wilder & D. Pimm (Eds.) Teaching Secondary Mathematics with ICT. Buckingham: Open University Press. p219-234.
2005 Watson, A. & Mason, J. (2005). Enriching Student Learning: structuring tasks to limit possible generalizations. Presentation to SIG on Making Learning Possible: the role of pedagogy for enhancing learning. EARLI, Nicosia.
2005 Mason, J. & Watson, A. (2005). Mathematical Exercises: what is exercised, what is attended to, and how does the structure of the exercises influence these? Invited Presentation to SIG on Variation and Attention. EARLI, Nicosia.
2005 Mason, J. with Johnston-Wilder, S. & Graham, A. (2005). Developing Thinking in Algebra. London: Sage (Paul Chapman).
2005 Johnston-Wilder, S. & Mason, J.(Eds.) (2005). Developing Thinking in Geometry. London: Sage.
2005 Mason, J. (2005). Usando Eras Mentais e Electrónicos. Educaçao e Matemática. Revista da Associaçao de professors de Matemática. 81 p33-35.
2005 Watson, A. & Mason, J. (2005). Mathematics as a Constructive Activity: learners generating examples. Mahwah: Erlbaum.
2005 Foster, C., Galligan, L., Mackrell, K., Mason, J., Melville, A., Piggot, J. and Watson, A. (2005) Freedom and Constraint, Mathematics Teaching, 191, June, 37-39.
2004 Unpublished: Mason, J. & Watson, A. (2004). Dimensions-of-Possible-Variation: a Framework for Designing mathematical Encounters and for revealing ‘Understanding’.
2004 Mason, J. (2004) Making Sense of Learning Mathematics. In D. McDougal & J. Ross (Eds.). Proceedings of PME-NA 26. Toronto: OISE Vol3 p1371-1390. (available at
2004 Mason, J. (2004/2008). Doing ≠ Construing and Doing + Discussing ≠ Learning: The Importance of the Structure Of Attention. ICME 10 Regular Lecture, in M. Niss (Ed.) Proceedings of ICME 10 CD. Roskilde, Denmark: IMFUFA.
2004 Mason, J. (2004). A Phenomenal Approach to Mathematics. Paper presented at Working Group 16, ICME, Copenhagen.
2004 Mason, J. & Watson, A. (2004). Powers of Three: questions from a research day. Mathematics Teaching. 189 p8-9.
2004 Jeffcoat, M. Jones, M. Mansergh, J. Mason, J. Sewell, H. & Watson, A. (2004). Primary Questions and Prompts, Association of Teachers of Mathematics, Derby.
2004 Bills, C. Bills, E. Watson, A. & Mason, J. (2004). Thinkers, ATM, Derby.
2004 Mason, J. & Johnston-Wilder, S. (2004). Fundamental Constructs in Mathematics Education, RoutledgeFalmer, London.
2004 Mason, J. & Johnston-Wilder, S. (2004). Designing and Using Mathematical Tasks, Open University, Milton Keynes.
2003 Mason, J. (2003). The Discipline of Noticing, in I. Vale, T. Pimentel, J. Portela A. Barbosa & F. DEl Rio, (Eds.) Encontro A Matemática e a Criança, ACTAS, Instituto Politécnico de Viana do Castelo, Portugal.
2003 Mason, J. (2003) On The Structure of Attention in the Learning of Mathematics, Australian Mathematics Teacher, 59 (4) p17-25.
2003 Mason, J. 2003, Are Beliefs Believable?: review of … Mathematics Teaching and Learning 3 (6) p?
2003 Mason, J. 2003, Att Använda Barns Fömågor, Nämnaren: Tidskrift För Matematikundervisning 30 (3) p14-21.
2003 Mason, J. 2003, Structure of Attention in the Learning of Mathematics, in J. Novotná (Ed.) Proceedings, International Symposium on Elementary Mathematics Teaching, Charles University, Prague, p9-16.
2003 Mason, J. 2003, Who Needs to Know What?, (review of two dictionaries), Mathematics Teaching 184 p30-32.
2003 Mason, J. 2003, Seeing Worthwhile Things: response to Alan Schoenfeld’s review of Researching Your Own Practice JMTE 6 (3) p281-292.
2003 Mason, J. 2003, Practitioner Research as an Extension of Professional Development, in I. Holden (Ed.), Utvikling av Matematik kundervisning I Samspill mellom Praksis og Forskning, Skriftserie for Nasjonalt Senter for Matematik I Opplaeringen (1), Trondheim p181-192.
2002 Mason, J. 2002, Reflection In and On Practice, in P. Kahn & J. Kyle (Eds.) Effective Learning & Teaching in Mathematics & Its Applications, ILT & Kogan Page, London, p117-128.
2002 Mason, J. & Sutherland, R. 2002, Key Aspects of Teaching Algebra in Schools, QCA, London. ISBN 1 85838 507 5
2002 Mason, J. 2002, Questions About Mathematical Reasoning and Proof in Schools, in J. Abramsky (Ed.) Reasoning, Explanation and Proof in School Mathematics and Their Place in the Intended Curriculum: proceedings of the QCA international seminar, October 2002, QCA, London. ISBN 1 85838 510 5
2002 Mason, J. 2002, Exploiting Mental Imagery in Teaching & Learning Mathematics, Actas ProfMat 2002 Conf 13 p75-81.
2002 Mason, J. 2002, (S. Diego Trans.) Explorando Imagens Mentais no Ensino – Aprendizagem da Matemática, Actas ProfMat 2002 Conf 13 p82-91.
2002 Watson, A. & Mason, J. 2002, Extending Example Spaces As A Learning/Teaching Strategy In Mathematics, in A. Cockburn & E. Nardi (Eds.) Proceedings of PME 26, University of East Anglia, Vol 4 p377-385.
2002 Watson A. & Mason, J. 2002, Student-Generated Examples in the Learning of Mathematics, Canadian Journal of Science, Mathematics and Technology Education, 2 (2) p237-249.
Mason J. 2002, Learning Mathematics Mathematically: Knowledge for A New Century, Proceedings of EARCOME 2 – SEACOME 9.
2002 Mason, J. 2002, Exploiting the Power of Word-Problems as Vehicles for Generalisation in Mathematics, EARCOME Workshop, Proceedings of EARCOME 2 – SEACOME 9.
2002 Mason, J. 2002, Generalisation and Algebra: exploiting children's powers, in L. Haggerty (Ed.) Aspects of Teaching Secondary Mathematics: perspectives on practice, RoutledgeFalmer, London, p105-120. ISBN 0-415-26081-7
2002 Mason, J. 2002, Minding Your Qs and Rs: effective questioning and responding in the mathematics classroom, in L. Haggerty (Ed.) Aspects of Teaching Secondary Mathematics: perspectives on practice, RoutledgeFalmer, London, p248-258. ISBN 0-415-26081-7
2002 Mason, J. 2002, Mathematics Teaching Practice: a guidebook for university and college lecturers, Horwood Publishing, Chichester.
2002 Mason, J. 2002, Researching Your own Practice: The Discipline of Noticing, RoutledgeFalmer, London.
2001 Mason, J. (2001). Re-expressing Insights in the Discourses of the Times. Review of Knowing and learning Mathematics for teaching: proceedings of a workshop. National Academy Press. Journal of Mathematics Teacher Education 4 p339-348.
2001 Mason, J. 2001, On The Use and Abuse of Word Problems For Moving from Arithmetic to Algebra, in H. Chick, K. Stacey, J. Vincent & J. Vincent (Eds.) The Future Of The Teaching And Learning Of Algebra, Proceedings of the 12th ICMI Study Conference, University of Melbourne, Melbourne, p430-437.
2001 Mason, J. 2001, Convincing Myself & Others: discussing with mummy and justifying to daddy, Mathematics Teaching, 177 p31-36.
2001 Faux, G. & Mason, J. 2001, Opening Session: how do you know?, Mathematics Teaching 137 p4-5.
2001 Mason, J. 2001, Review of Using ICT in Primary Mathematics: practice and possibilities, Computers & Education 37 (2) September 2001, Pages 184-185
2001 Mason, J. 2001, Modelling Modelling: where is the centre of gravity of-for-when modelling?, in J. Matos, W. Blum, S. Houston & S. Carreira (Eds.) Modelling and Mathematics Education: ICTMA 9 applications in science and technology, Horwood Publishing, Chichester, p39-61.
2001 Mason, J. 2001, Teaching for Flexibility in Mathematics: being aware of the structures of attention and intention, Questiones Mathematicae, 24 Suppl 1, p1-15.
2001 Mason, J. & Watson, A. 2001, Stimulating Students to Construct Boundary Examples, Quaestiones Mathematicae, 24 Suppl 1, p123-132.
2001 Mason, J. 2001, Mathematical Teaching Practices At Tertiary level: Working Group Report, in D. Holton (Ed.) The Teaching and Learning of Mathematics at University Level: An ICMI Study, Kluwer, Dordrecht, p71-86.
2001 Mason, J. 2001, Professionalisation of Teaching in Higher Education in the United Kingdom, in D. Holton (Ed.) The Teaching and Learning of Mathematics at University Level: An ICMI Study, p527-536.
2001 Mason, J. 2001, Generalising ‘Sums of Cubes Equal To Squares of Sums’, The Mathematical Gazette, 85 (502) p50-58.
2001 Mason, J. & Watson, A. 2001, Getting Students To Create Boundary Examples, MSOR Connections, 1 (1) p9-11.
2001 Mason, J. 2001, Tunja Sequences as Examples of Employing Students’ Powers to Generalize, Mathematics Teacher, 94 (3) p164-169.
2000 Watson, A. & Mason J. (2000). Student Generated Examples, Mathematics Teaching 172, p59-62.
2000 Mason, J. 2000, The Epistemology of JPFs: when is research in mathematics education valid, for whom, and under what circumstances?, in J. Matos & M. Santos (Eds.) Proceedings: Second international Mathematics education and Society Conference, Universidade de Lisboa, Lisbon.
2000 Mason, J. 2000, Figures de Nombres, in J-M. Kantor (Ed.) Mathématiques Buissonnières en Europe, Editions Vuibert, Paris, p18-19.
2000 Mason, J. & Spence, M. 2000, Beyond Mere Knowledge of Mathematics: The Importance of Knowing –To Act in the Moment, in D. Turosh (Ed.) Forms of Mathematical Knowledge: learning and teaching with understanding, Kluwer, Dordrecht, p135-161.
2000 Mason, J. & Houssart, J. 2000, Arithmogons: a case study in locating the mathematics in tasks, Primary Teaching Studies, 11 (2) p34-42.
2000 Mason, J. 2000, Asking Mathematical Questions Mathematically, International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology, 31 (1) p97-111.
1999 Mason, J. & Watson, A. 1999, Immersion in Multiplicity, Mathematics Teaching, 166 March, p5-8.
1999 Mason, J. & Watson, A. 1999, Getting Students to Create Boundary Examples, Talum , 11 (Sept.) ,
1999 Mason, J. & Spence, M. 1999, Towards a Psychology of Knowing-To, Educational Studies in Mathematics, p135-161.
1999 Mason, J. 1999, Incitación al Estudiante para que Use su Capacidad Natural de Expresar Generalidad: las secuencias de Tunja, Revista EMA 4 (3) p232-246.
1999 Mason, J. 1999, Energies of Practice and of Enquiries into Practice; Energies de la pratique et des interrogations dans la pratique, in F. Jaquet, (Ed.) Les liens entre la pratique de las classe et la recherche en didactique des mathématiques; Relationship between classroom practice and research in mathematics education, Proceedings of CIEAEM, Neuchatel, 1998, Commision Internationale pour l’Etude et l’Amelioration de l’Enseignement des Mathématiques.
1999 Mason, J. 1999, The Role of Labels for Experience in Promoting Learning from Experience Among Teachers and Students, in L. Burton, (Ed.), Learning Mathematics: from hierarchies to networks, Falmer, London, p187-208.
1999 Mason, J. 1999, The Expression of Generality in Early Arithmetic Texts, in Toward Scientific Literacy: Proceedings of Fourth International Conference on History & Philosophy of Science Teaching: CDROM, University of Calgary, Alberta, p515-528.
1999 Mason, J. 1999, Communication Issues in Teaching Mathematics: when telling is telling and asking is asking, in Toward Scientific Literacy: Proceedings of Fourth International Conference on History & Philosophy of Science Teaching: CDROM, University of Calgary, Alberta, p505-514.
1998 Mason, J. 1998, Asking Mathematical Questions Mathematically. Proceedings of Actes du Colloque DIDIREM, Réussites et/ou apprentissages Nouvelles technologies; Les mathématiques en premier cycle universitaire, où en est-on ? . Université de Versailles.
1998 Mason, J. 1998, Convincing Yourself and Others, Vinculum 35 (1) p4-8.
1998 Mason J. 1998, Enabling Teachers to be Real Teachers: necessary levels of awareness and structure of attention, Journal of Mathematics Teacher Education, 1 (3) p243-267.
1998 Mason, J. 1998, Protasis: a technique for promoting professional development, in C. Kanes, M. Goos, & E. Warren (Eds.) Teaching Mathematics in New Times: Proceedings of MERGA 21, vol 1, Mathematics Education Research Group of Australasia, p334-341.
1998 Mason, J. & Spence, M. 1998, Towards a Psychology of Knowing-To, in C. Kanes, M. Goos, & E. Warren (Eds.) Teaching Mathematics in New Times: Proceedings of MERGA 21, vol 1, Mathematics Education Research Group of Australasia, p342-349.
1998 Ruffell, M. Mason, J. & Allen, B. 1998, Studying Attitude to Mathematics, Educational Studies in Mathematics, 35 p 1-18.
1998 Mason, J. 1998, Learning & Doing Mathematics (Second revised edition), QED Books, York.
1998 Sfard, A. Nesher, P. Streefland, L. Cobb, P. & Mason, J. 1998, Learning Mathematics Through Conversation: is it as good as they say?, For the Learning of Mathematics, 18 (1) p41-51.
1998 Mason, J. 1998, Personal View, Mathematics Teaching, 163, June, p60.
1998 Watson, A. & Mason, J. 1998, Questions and Prompts for Mathematical Thinking, ATM, Derby.
1998 Mason, J. 1998, Researching From the Inside in Mathematics Education, in A. Sierpinska & J. Kilpatrick (Eds.) Mathematics Education as a Research Domain: a search for identity, 2 vols, Kluwer, Dordrecht, Vol 2 p357-378.
1997 Mason, J. & Waywood, A. 1997, The Role of Theory in Mathematics Education and Research, in A. Bishop, K. Clements, C. Keitel, J. Kilpatrick & C. Laborde (Eds.) International Handbook of Mathematics Education Part 2, Dordrecht: Kluwer, Chapter 28, p1055-1089.
1997 Mason, J. 1997, Describing the Elephant: seeking structure in mathematical thinking – a review of Sternberg & Ben-Zeev (Eds.), ‘The Nature of Mathematical Thinking’, Journal for Research in Mathematics Education, 28 (3) p377-382.
1997 Mason, J. 1997, The Psychology of Possibility, in Zack, V., Mousley, J., & Breen, C. (Eds.) Developing Practice: teacher's inquiry and educational change in classrooms, Geelong, Australia: CSMEE, Deakin University, p87-102.
1997 Allen, B. & Mason, J. 1997, Attitudes and Attributions of Students Studying a Distance-learning Undergraduate Mathematics Course, Paper presented at EARLI, Athens, session 49, p173.
1996 Mason, J. (1996). Twenty-Six Years of Problem Posing: mathematical investigations used in Open University mathematics summer schools 1971-1996. Milton Keynes: Open University Centre for Mathematics Education.
1996 Mason, J. 1996, Wholeness, Distinctions, and Actions in Mathematics Education, ME822 Reader Block IV, Open University, Milton Keynes p5-14.
1996 review of Sierpinska trans into Spanish.
1996 Mason, J. 1996, Open University Mathematics Foundation Problem Book (1971 – 1996) , IFP 6, Centre for Mathematics Education, Open University, Milton Keynes.
1996 Mason, J. 1996, Futures for Arithmetic & Algebra: exploiting awareness of generality, in Giménez, J. Lins, R. & Gómez, B. (Eds.) Arithmetics and Algebra Education: searching for the future, Universitat Rovira i Virgili, Barcelona, p16-33.
1996 Mason J. 1996, El futuro de la aritmética y del álgebra: utilizar el sentido de generalidad, El futuro del álgebra y la aritmética, UNO, Revisita de las Matemáticas, 9, p15-22.
1996 Mason, J. 1996, Expressing Generality and Roots of Algebra, in Bednarz, N. Kieran, C. & Lee, L.(Eds.) Approaches to Algebra: perspectives for research and teaching, Kluwer, Dordrecht, p65-86.
1996 Mason, J. 1996, Abduction at the Heart of Mathematical Being, in Gray, E. (Ed.), Thinking about Mathematics & The Music of the Spheres: papers presented for the inaugural lecture of Professor David Tall, Mathematics Education Research Centre, Warwick.
1996 Mason, J. 1996, “When is a problem?”: Questions from History and Classroom Practice in Algebra, in Berdnaarz, N. Kieran, C. & Lee, L.(Eds.) Approaches to Algebra: perspectives for research and teaching, Kluwer, Dordrecht, p187-196.
1996 Mason, J. & Monteiro, B. 1996, Conflicts Between Common Sense and Experience and Concomitant Shifts of Attention, in C. Keitel, U. Gellert, E. Jablonka, & M. Müller, (Eds.), Mathematics Education and Common Sense, International Commission for the Study and Improvement of Mathematics Teaching , Freie Universität Berlin, Berlin, p96-101.
1996 Mason, J. 1996, Mathematical Sense: making the uncommon common and the insensible sensible, in in C. Keitel, U. Gellert, E. Jablonka, & M. Müller, (Eds.), Mathematics Education and Common Sense, International Commission for the Study and Improvement of Mathematics Teaching , Freie Universität Berlin, Berlin, p151-162.
1996 Mason, J. 1995, Depicting and Un-depicting Mathematical Ideas, in C. Keitel, U. Gellert, E. Jablonka, & M. Müller, (Eds.), Mathematics Education and Common Sense, International Commission for the Study and Improvement of Mathematics Teaching , Freie Universität Berlin, Berlin, p457-461.
1996 Mason, J. 1996, Personal Enquiry: moving from concern towards research, Open University, Milton Keynes.
1995 Sutherland, J. & Mason J. (Eds), 1995, Exploiting Mental Imagery with Computers in Mathematics Education, NATO ASI Series F Vol 138, Springer, Berlin.
1995 Roschelle, J. & Mason, J. 1995, Sketching a Multi-Disciplinary Microworld: a collaborative exploration in Boxer, in diSessa, A. Hoyles, C. Noss, R. & Edwards, L. (eds), Computers and Exploratory Learning , Springer, Berlin, p289-304.
1995 Mason, J. 1995, Shaping Up: “you see but do not observe!”, Mathematics Teaching, 152, September, p 4-11.
1995 Mason, J. &, B. 1995, Mathematical Screen Metaphors. In R. Sutherland & J. Mason (Eds), Exploiting Mental Imagery with Computers in Mathematics Education. p291-308. NATO ASI Series F Vol 138, Springer, Berlin.
1995 Mason, J. 1995, Exploring the Sketch Metaphor for Presenting Mathematics using Boxer, in diSessa, A. Hoyles, C. Noss, R. & Edwards, L. (eds), Computers and Exploratory Learning , Springer, Berlin, p383-398.
1995 Mason, J. 1995, Sums of General Geometric Series, The College Mathematics Journal, 26 (5) p381.
1995 Mason, J. 1995, Less May Be More On A Screen, in Burton, L. & Jaworski, B. (eds), Technology in Mathematics Teaching: a bridge between teaching and learning, Chartwell-Bratt, London, p119-134.
1995 Mason, J. 1994, The Energies of Becoming a Scientist, unpublished.
1995 Love, E. & Mason, J. 1995, Telling and Asking, in P. Murphy, M. Sellinger, J. Bourne, & M. Briggs, Subject Learning in the Primary Curriculum: issues in english, science, and mathematics, Routledge, London, p252-270.
1994 Mason, J. 1994, Understanding Understanding Mathematics: review of A. Sierpinska: Understanding in Mathematics. ZDM 96(2)p40-41.
1994 Mason J. 1994, Professional Development and Practitioner Research, Chreods 7, p3-12.
1994 Mason J. 1994, Enquiry in Mathematics and in Mathematics Education, in P. Ernest (Ed.) Constructing Mathematical Knowledge: epistemology and mathematical education. Falmer Press, p190-200.
1994 Mason, J. 1994, Only Awareness is Educable, in Bloomfield, A. & Harries, T. (Eds) Teaching, Learning and Mathematics, Association of Teachers of Mathematics, Derby, p28-29.
1994 Mason, J. 1994, What, Why, and How in Mathematics, MicroMath.
1994 Mason, J. 1994, What is Mathematics?, part of E884 Post Graduate Certificate in Education: Secondary Mathematics, Open University, Milton Keynes.
1994 Mason, J. 1994, Salient Moments and Critical Incidents: review of Tripp, D. 1993, Critical incidents in teaching: developing professional judgement, Routledge, London, in Journal of Teacher Development 3 (3) p187-191.
1994 Mason, J. 1994, Researching From the Inside in Mathematics Education: locating an I-You relationship, in J. Ponte & J. Matos J. (Eds.), Proceedings of PME XVIII, Lisbon, Portugal, p176-194.
1994 Mason, J. 1994, Researching From the Inside in Mathematics Education: locating an I-You relationship, Extended version, IP5, Centre for Mathematics Education, Open University, Milton Keynes.
1994 Mason, J. 1994, From the Inside. In A. Bloomfield & T. Harries (Eds.) Teaching, Learning and Mathematics, Association of Teachers of Mathematics, Derby, p18.
1994 Mason, J. 1994, Learning From Experience, in D. Boud, & J. Walker (Eds.), Using Experience for Learning, Open University Press, Buckingham.
1993 Nunes, T. Light, P. & Mason, J. (1993). Tools for Thought: the measurement of length and area. Learning and Instruction 3 p39-54.
1993 Nevile, L. & Mason, J. 1993, Looking At, Through, and Back At: useful ways of looking at software, in Jaworski, B. (ed) Proceedings of the Birmingham International Conference on Teaching Mathematics with Technology, p 391-398.
1993 Mason, J. 1993, On The Edge of an Epistemological Revolution, Teaching Mathematics and its Applications, 12 (4) p145-148.
1993 Mason, J. & Nevile, L. Diagrams as Functions in Geometry, in A. Baturo & L. Harris, (Eds.) New Directions in Geometry Education, Proceedings of Third Annual Conference on Mathematics Teaching and Learning, Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane, p80-86.
1993 Mason, J. 1993, Working on Awareness. In J. Searl (Ed.), Proceedings of the Edinburgh Mathematics Teaching Conference, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh.
1993 Mason, J. 1993, with Hewitt, D. & Brown, L. Ways of Seeing, in Selinger, M. (ed) Teaching Mathematics, Routledge & Kegan Paul, London.
1993 Mason, J. 1993, Screening Mathematics: the role of imagery, visualisation and representation, Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference for LOGO and Mathematics Education, (ed. Dawson, S.) Simon Fraser University, Vancouver, p107-128.
1993 Mason, J. 1993, review of Advanced Mathematical Thinking (D. Tall, Ed.) in ZDM 93/1p43-45.
1993 Mason, J. 1993, Less May Be More on a Screen, in Burton, L. & Jaworski, B. (eds) Proceedings of the Birmingham International Conference on Teaching Mathematics with Technology, p 367-374.
1993 Mason, J. 1993, Assessing What Sense Pupils Make of Mathematics, in Selinger, M. (Ed.) Teaching Mathematics, Routledge, London.
1993 Mason, J. & Nevile, L. 1993, Geometric Diagrams as Function Collages, in Mousley, J. & Rice, M. (Eds.) Mathematics: Of Primary Importance, Proceedings of MAV, Mathematical Association of Victoria, Melbourne, p396-402.
1993 Mason, J. & Binns, E. 1993, An Exploration of Vergnaud’s Theorem-in-Action in the Context of Algebra, Proceedings of Conference on Algebraic Processes and the Role of Symbolism, London Institute, London.
1993 Binns, E. & Mason, J. 1993, What is Unknown about the Unknown? Proceedings of the Algebraic Processes and the Role of Symbolism, Invitational ESRC European Conference on Algebra, Sept., London Institute of Education, London.
1992 Mason, J. 1992, Doing and Construing Mathematics in Screen Space, in B. Southwell, B. Perry, & K. Owens (Eds.), Space - The First and Final Frontier: Proceedings of the Fifteenth Annual Conference of the Mathematics Education Research Group of Australasia (MERGA-15), p1-17.
1992 Mason, J. 1992, The Discipline of Noticing, Sunrise Research Laboratory, RMIT, Melbourne.
1992 Mason, J. 1992, Researching Problem Solving From the Inside, in Mathematical Problem Solving and New Information Technology: research in Contexts of Practice, Ponte J., Matos J., Matos J. & Fernandes D. (Eds.), Nato ASI Series F #89, Springer Verlag, London, p17-36.
1992 Mason, J. (1992). Images and Imagery in a Computing Environment, in Computing the Clever Country, Proceedings of ACEC 10. Melbourne: Computing in Education Group of Victoria.
1992 Mason, J. 1992, Frames for Teaching, in Teaching Mathematics: Action and Awareness, Love, E. & Mason, J. (Eds), Open University, Milton Keynes, p29-53.
1992 Love, E. & Mason, J. 1992, Teaching Mathematics: Action and Awareness, Open University, Milton Keynes.
1991 Mason J. 1991, Supporting Primary Mathematics: Algebra, Open University.
1991 Mason, J. & Mason, Q. 1991, Pythagoras in CABRI Géomètre, MicroMath 7 (2) p15-17.
1991 Mason, J. Nunes, T. & Light, P. 1991, Children’s Understanding of Measurement, Proceedings of PME XIV, Furringhetti (ed), Vol III p102-108.
1991 Mason, J. 1991, Speaking To Teaching and Speaking About Teaching: the Role of Metaphor and Metonymy, Proceedings of TME, Paderno del Grappa, ed H-G Steiner, Bielefeld.
1991 Mason, J. 1991, Questions about Geometry, in D. Pimm & E. Love, (eds), Teaching and Learning School Mathematics, Hodder and Stoughton, London, p77-90.
1991 Mason, J. 1991, Mathematical Problem Solving: Open, Closed, and Exploratory, ZDM , 1/1991 p14-19.
1991 Mason, J. 1991, Epistemological Foundations for Frameworks Which Stimulate Noticing, in Underhill, R. (Ed.), Proceedings of PME-NA 13 Vol 2, p36-42.
1991 Mason, J. 1991, Awakening the (re)Searcher Within, Open University Inaugural Lecture, Centre for Mathematics Education, Open University, Milton Keynes.
1991 Mason, J. & Davis, J. (1991). Fostering & Sustaining Mathematics Thinking Through Problem Solving. Geelong: Deakin.
1990 Mason, J. (1990). Algebra. Supporting Primary Mathematics PM649. Milton Keynes: Open University
1990 Mason, J. 1990, Difference-Divisible Sequences, Maths Gazette, 74 (469) p223-228.
1990 Griffin, P. & Mason, J. 1990, Walls and Windows: a study of seeing using Routh’s theorem and associated results, Maths Gazette, 74 (469) p260-269.
1989 Mason, J. 1989, Geometry: what why, where and how?, Mathematics Teaching, 129 p40-47.
1989 Mason, J. 1989, Change, Teaching Mathematics and Its Applications, 8 (4), p162-168.
1989 Mason, J. 1989, Does Description = Experience? A Fundamental Epistemological Error with Far-reaching Consequences, Cambridge Journal of Education, 19 (3) , p 311-321.
1989 Mason, J. & Davis, J. (1989). The Inner Teacher, The Didactic Tension, and Shifts of Attention. In G. Vergnaud, J. Rogalski, & M. Artigue, (Eds.) Proceedings of PME XIII. Paris. Vol 2 p274-281.
1989 Mason, J. & Davis, J. 1989, Notes on a Radical Constructivist Epistemethodology Applied to Didactic Situations, Journal of Structural Learning 10 p157-176.
1989 Mason, J. 1989, Mathematical Abstraction Seen as a Delicate Shift of Attention, For the Learning of Mathematics 9 (2) p2-8.
1989 Mason, J. 1989, Teaching (Pupils to Make Sense) and Assessing (the Sense they Make), in P. Ernest (Ed.) Mathematics Teaching: The State of the Art, Falmer, London, p153-166.
1988 Mason, J. 1988, Learning and Doing Mathematics, MacMillan, London.
1988 Mason, J. 1988, Imagery, Imagination and Mathematics Classrooms, in Mathematics, Teachers, and Children, ed. D. Pimm, Hodder and Stoughton, London, p297-302.
1988 Mason, J. 1988, Fragments: the implications for teachers, learners and media users/researchers of personal construal and fragmentary recollection of aural and visual messages, Instructional Science 17, p195-218.
1988 Mason, J. 1988, Expressing Generality, Project Update, Open University, Milton Keynes.
1988 Mason, J. 1988, Actions Into Words, Project Update, Open University, Milton Keynes.
1988 Mason, J. 1988, Doing & Undoing, Project Update, Open University, Milton Keynes.
1988 Mason, J. 1988, Dealing With Decimals, Project Update, Open University, Milton Keynes.
1988 Mason, J. 1988, Approaching Infinity, Project Update, Open University, Milton Keynes.
1988 Mason, J. & Davis J. 1988, Cognitive and Metacognitive Shifts, in A. Borbás (Ed.) Proceedings of PME XII, Vezprém, vol 2 p487-494.
1987 Mason, J. (1987). ,,Erziehung kann nur auf die Bewustheit Einflus nehmen.” Mathematik Lehren 21 p4-5.
1987 Mason, J. & Davis J. 1987, Only Awareness is Educable, Mathematics Teaching 120, p 30-31.
1987 Mason, J. 1987, What Do Represent? In C. Janvier (Ed.). Problems of Representation in the Teaching and Learning of Mathematics. Mahwah: Lawrence Erlbaum, p73-81.
1987 Mason, J. 1987, Rolling Coins and Winding Numbers, privately circulated.
1987 Mason, J. 1987, When ‘Thinging’ leads to ‘is-ness’ and ‘is-ness’ leads to ‘thinging’. in S. Dawson (Ed.) Logo and Mathematics Education: 3rd International conference. Montreal : Concordia University.
1986 Mason, J. 1986, Tensions, Mathematics Teaching 114, p 28-31.
1986 Mason, J. 1986, Probes and Fragments, For the Learning of Mathematics 6(2) p42-46.
1986 Mason, J. 1986, Challenge to Change: To Stay Alive Every Teacher Must Be A Researcher, in Challenge For Change Proceedings of 11th Biennial Australian Mathematics Teachers Conference, Brisbane p9-30.
1985 Mason, J. 1985, What Do You Do When You Turn Off The Machine?, preparatory paper for ICMI conference March, The Influence of Computers and Informatics on Mathematics and its Teaching, Inst. de Recherche Sur L'Enseignement des Mathematiques, Strasburg, p251-256.
1985 Mason, J. , Graham, A., Pimm, D., & Gowar, N. 1985, Routes to, Roots of Algebra, The Open University, Milton Keynes.
1984 Mason, J. 1984, What Do we Really Want Students to Learn? Teaching At A Distance 25, p4-11.
1984 Mason, J. 1984, Towards One Possible Discipline For Mathematics Education in H. Steiner (Ed.) Theory Of Mathematics Education, Inst. fur Didaktik der Math., Univ. Bielefeld, p42-55.
1984 Mason, J. & Pimm, D. 1984, Generic Examples: Seeing the General in the Particular, Educational Studies in Mathematics, 15(3) p277-290.
1982 James, N. and Mason, J. (1982). Towards Recording', Visible Language, 16(3), p249-258.
1982 Mason, J. (1982). Attention. For the Learning of Mathematics, 2 (3) p21-23.
1982 Mason, J. Burton L. & Stacey K. (1982). Thinking Mathematically, Addison Wesley, London.
1980 Mason, J. (1980). When is a Symbol Symbolic?, For the Learning of Mathematics 1 (2) p8-12.
1979 Mason, J. (1979). Which Medium, Which Message, Visual Education Feb 1979, p29-33.
1978 Mason, J. (1978). The Concept of a Jewel or Why Course Units are Too Coarse a Unit, Teaching at a Distance 12, p72.
1978 Mason, J. (1978). On Investigations. Mathematics Teaching 84 p??
reprinted ???
1975 Jaworski, J. Mason, J. & Slomson, A. (1975). Chez Angelique: the bumper late-night problem book. Privately Published.
1972 Mason, J. (1972). Can Regular Tetrahedra Be Glued Together Face to Face to Form a Ring? Mathematical Gazette 56 (397) p194-197.